
I founded Lelchuk Studio, Inc. in 2011 after working 18 years in the field as a Director of Photography and Editor. I have worked on 6 continents including Antarctica. From the South Pole, to the Gobi Desert, to 17,000 feet elevation on glaciers in Peru, from helicopter aerials to capturing intimate close-up personal moments, from sound stages, studios and working on satellite remote trucks to editing in hotel rooms on deadline, I've collected a wealth of production experiences that informs my work.

For 10 years I worked at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City focusing on science expedition documentaries. I've contributed to hundreds of feature stories for the PBS NewsHour, the nightly national news broadcast, and have created award-winning content for companies and foundations as Director, Editor, and Director of Photography. I am experienced at working with high profile celebrities, politicians, CEOs and anchors.

I am a storyteller, crafting sound and image, using creative visual language, a precise sense of timing and aesthetic to create impactful media.

I am always looking for new projects in which I can play a creative or technical role in content creation.

Please contact me with any questions in regards to your project. I look forward to speaking with you.